
It’s been a long time…

Filed under: Blogs — Ms.X November 8, 2025 @ 9:55 pm

HI! Sorry I haven’t posted in here ages! I guess since leaving the Home of Chrome in Sweden I’ve been busy with real life and Xbox hehe. I haven’t done anything on the PC as far as gaming goes, but Quake Live seems to be pretty popular so I think it’s time to dust off my really old PC and give it a shot. I really have been missing the good old days, and I can’t believe that girlz 0f destruction will be hitting our 10th year anniversary next year, wow! I’m hoping we can all reunite at an event in 2011. I miss everyone so much.

Is there anybody out there that’s playing on the 360? I’m getting geared up for the midnight opening tonight for the Call of Duty Black Ops release. The game looks amazing I can’t wait! I’m sure I’ll be putting in many hours into this one, so give me a shout if there’s anyone out there that might be rocking it out on the Xbox :)

Well hope everyone is doing well. I don’t know if many people still come to this page but I hope to reconnect with some gamers that I’ve been missing!
