Nostalgia gaming - trito
Over the Christmas holidays I visited my parents for a week. My mother was a big nintendo fan back in the days and I was happily surprised to find out they had bought a nintendo for themselves. I got really nostalgic and I played a bunch of games.
Some of my favourite nintendo games includes: Zelda, Kid Icarus, Clu Clu Land, Willows, Wreckling Crew and Nemo the Dream master.
When I got home from my parents I still wanted to play some more nintendo games. I especially wanted to finsih all the levels in Kid Icarus since I never did that as a kid. The other night at 6 am I finally reached my goal… I completed all the Kid Icarus levels!!! What a way to start the new year! These upcoming days I think I will play some more nintendo games before I return to my computer and some Quake fragging.
Something for the fans?
Hey everyone!
I know there are a lot of poker enthusiasts out there so just in order to generate interest for a potential tournament we might hold, I thought i’d let you all know about this:
From December 25th to December 30th the New Years Poker Series (NYPS) will take place. Alongside with physical and monetary prizes, a place in the eSport VIP team is waiting for you!
The Free roll
Starting from December 25th until December 29th there will be a daily free roll tournament at 5 pm (CET). In every tournament he first five places of the free rolls will be given wildcards.
The winners of a wildcard may start in the buy-in tournaments of the New Year Poker Series the very same day and have the chance to win the prize of the day (Prizepot) and wildcards for the grand finale on December 30th. In the Poker Showdown it is about $ 1,000, five starting slots in the eSport VIP team and many other prizes from Speed Link and PokerRoom.
Click here to find out more about the tournament dates and the prizes
No commentsI’ve started to play QuakeWorld - trito
Many of us girls have the Quake series very close to our hearts, since many of us got hooked playing FPS games because of Quake.
I’m no different. The game I fell in love with was Quake 3. After playing Quake 3 I tried other FPS games as well, such as PainKiller, Doom3, Unreal Tournament 3 and so on. When Quake 4 became the big FPS tournament game it was natural to swtich to that game.
So what’s up now? After WSVG shut down and basically all Quake 4 tournaments ended, I’ve been back playing Quake 3. Mostly I play Clan Arena since it’s great fun. I’ve also been playing some Threewace CTFS and I was happy to see that many of the people that used to play CTFS 4 years ago are still playing.
Even if I’ve been playing Quake 3 and 4 quite a lot these last years I’ve never tried QuakeWorld or Quake 2, not until last week. I saw there is a big QuakeWorld LAN coming up in Stockholm in one month. It’s called QHLan and they will have some QW tournamnets. I haven’t played in a tourmanet last months and I really miss it, so I’m planning to learn QW in one month and compete in the 1v1 tourmanet.
December is a really hectic time at my work (I work as a video editor and camera man at television) since we have deadlines coming up before Christmas. I work 60 hours a week, but I’ve still had some time to download and try QW. It seems to be a quite fun game, but learning the new movement will be a challenge. I’ve been jumping around on the trick jump maps trying to learn how to bunny jump and I’m improving every day. I’m happy to see 2 of the QW maps are the same maps as in Quake 3, so I won’t have to learn completely new maps.
My expectations are not that high for this tournament. I won’t stand a chance against the good QW players. To be realistic I won’t even have that much time to practice because of work. But I still want to go there and do my best and if I manage to win just one game I will be happy.
Are you a QW player and want to play me (and kick my sorry noob ass)? Contact me in #g0d (0=zero) at Quakenet on IRC and we can have some games. Remember I’m from Sweden so I only play on EU servers.
Introducing Boom
Anyone who keeps a little up to date with the professional gaming scene will know by now that the large professional league, the Championship Gaming Series has closed their doors. While it’s sad news for the gaming community, it does mean that I (Liefje) am able to return to g0d. And with that i’m happy to announce that i’ve also dragged along one of my CGS buddies from this year, Ruth “Boom” Harrison. Whilst her team the London Mint didn’t make it so far in the tournament, Ruth herself has got some serious skills in DoA, coming 2nd at the European combine, losing to her sister by only 1 round.
Boom and I enjoying a tequila sunrise
So what are you waiting for? Learn more about Boom over at our roster page.
Bye bye CRT, hello TFT! - trito
I never thought the day would come… the day when I switched my CRT to a TFT. Sure, a TFT is great in many ways, but for gaming CRT’s are just better.
But some days ago, I took the step anyway… I bought a brand new widescreen 24″ TFT… and I like it! The colors are great and I can fit sooo much on my widescreen (great for editing videos).
And thinking about it, most tournaments these days are using TFT’s, so why not get used to it. I’ve been playing some Quake 3 on the new monitor and I’m happy about the feeling. It isn’t THAT bad to play on a TFT, as long it’s a good one.
Happy birthday Liefje!
When she started in our clan Liefje was just a teenager, but now our baby has grown up. Today, 16th September, she turns 22.
Have a great birthday!
Kisses and love from all of us girlz in the clan.
The photo was taken last year when Liefje turned 21.
1 commentA new adventure - aNouC
I’m sorry I didn’t write myself for a while now, but I’ve been pretty busy with my different jobs and my tasks related to my Counter-Strike team. We had once again some lineup problems before going to the ESWC Masters in Paris, last July, but we managed to do a last minute change and get back an old team mate into the team. As it’s been posted in our website, the first day there I met a big camera and behind was trito :p She asked me some questions before the whole event started and I haven’t seen her till I was already playing (and screaming as you could see on the video interview!).
Before the event we had a week preparation in Madrid. We’ve been living together on an apartment, which wasn’t too close to the LAN center so we “wasted” some time getting there every day. Actually the apartment was very nice inside, but the main door was really old and I couldn’t manage to open it. I always had the keys, but after my experience the first day, which took me at least 10 minutes of failed tries. I decided to sit and scream to my mates so they could notice I was missing for too long when I just went to get something to drink… After that day, somebody else was opening the door, with better luck!
We didn’t improve as much as we wanted on the bootcamp, but well it was time to go to the ESWC once again. Of course full of hopes but as you all could see, it wasn’t enough. We did a close game against the french team emuLate (14:16) and then a close game against the winners of the event, Les Seules (12:16), a team that was obviously better prepared.
I can tell you, our level of frustration was quite high after those games. We got out of the tournament feeling totally stupid once again. It’s been a 3rd place in 2005 and a 5th place the next two years. This one was a 5th-8th till we had to fight for the 5th position, because somebody had to win the SLOT to go to the Grand Final in California. Our energy was way too low and I was scared that this wrong motivation would make us fail against our next opponents, with whom we had to fight for the slot: AurorA Gaming from Denmark and ALTERNATE aTTaX from Germany. At the end we won both games but we needed a while to understand we were going to have a new chance in America.
I have to say that it was a great time in Paris too. We had the full support of our newest organisation and that was something we didn’t enjoy on previous editions, so I have to say thanks to Sam, Steven and specially Constantin, because all three did a great job at different levels.
And from that point I think we have learned a little bit from our mistakes. I needed to stop adding myself too much pressure because it ends up being negative for myself and for the final team results, so I guess it’s been positive to go throuth this experience once again. After the event we took some days of relax and have done another lineup change; we took a french player, former world champion in 2006 with BTB, known as Axelle “iZee” Marie, who brought some new positive energy into the team, which was pretty much needed at this point. Now we have to face a new adventure starting pretty soon!!
Next stop: Zurich, where we will bootcamp from next Saturday. From there we will start our big trip to California where we will stay from the 23rd to the 28th. err… PD: I’ll stay a little bit longer !!!! Will take some interesting pictures and I will be back here with some more stuff to write about