
DreamHack is over - trito

The four last days I´ve been at DreamHack that takes place in Jönköping, Sweden. DreamHack is the biggest LAN in the world and they arrange a lot of tournaments. This time they had cs, dota and wc3 among other competitions. For me Quake Forever was the most interesting one. In Quake Forever they held tournaments in QuakeWorld and Quake 2, but also the ESWC qualifier in Quake 3. Because of all the quake competitions a lot of quake gamers were attending the event and it´s always nice to see friends you haven´t seen for a while.

I competed in the Quake 3 ESWC qualifier. When I go to a tournament I´m often quite well prepared, but this time I didn´t practice that much, I was more in it for the fun. Fun it was and I managed to pass the group stage. In the quarter finals I got knocked out by Spartie who is one of the top players in Sweden.

I also had a BYOC spot, but I only used it for 15 minutes in total. I was busy with playing the competition and later on watching all the interesting games. I did also bring my camera and I filmed quite a lot of interviews that will be up somewhere on the web later on.

Since there really hasn´t been any tournaments for Quake in the last year I haven´t been to any competitions since WSVG Toronto in August 2007. I´ve only been to events like CES and CEBIT. Being at DreamHack, playing in the tournament really makes me want to play in more tournaments. It also makes me think about all the girlz in our team. We have had so much fun together through the years going to events and here at DreamHack I missed them a lot.

4 Comments so far

  1. Van Helsing June 17th, 2008 2:27 am

    Trito, have U an ICQ number?

  2. trito June 17th, 2008 10:05 am

    no, I don’t use ICQ.

  3. BLoom1s June 18th, 2008 1:12 am

    Trito and Fox powaaaaa!!!

  4. dees July 28th, 2008 5:11 am

    play fun games

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