Also not only a computer nerd - trito
Trinelin wrote some days ago she is not only a computer nerd. She is also a nerd when it comes to science. Like Trinelin I have two nerd areas as well. A part from gaming I’m also a nerd when it comes to cameras, photography and video editing. My boyfriend knows that I occasionally surf porn. My kind of porn: I surf the net looking at different camera models and read the technical specs. My wallpaper since some weeks back is a photo of a nice HDV camera.
But today I took it even a step further. I had a day off from work and felt like shopping. When other girls go shopping for shoes, I went to an electronic store and bought the camera from my wallpaper. Now I’m the proud owner of a Canon XHA1. The professional films I’ve made in the past are owned by others, so you can’t really view them anywhere online. But I’ve posted some of my other gaming related movies on youtube if you want to watch.
The pic is a photo from when I filmed Swedish Rally last winter.
You should come to Hollywood and make a movie about gaming
tri i want yo!U!
Liefje, you only want me for my gadgets.
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