
Blog: The CGS Draft - Liefje

I know i’ve been neglecting a lot of things online such as this website and my personal website lately but i’m sure you can guess why! I have been in Birmingham for the past week (and i’m still here) because I have been trying out for a Dead or Alive 4 spot on one of the 2 European franchises.

I waited around for a few days (and played a lot during that time) as I arrived on Wednesday and they didn’t run the DOA4 Female EU tournament until Saturday. I was the extreme underdog here as my main competitor was beating the experienced UK girls quite easily. She used the character La Mariposa (Lisa) which I guess no one was used to playing against. From doing some reading on DoA4 I was under the imperssion that Lisa was quite an unsafe character to play, moreso than others. It didn’t seem to get her into any trouble though!

I placed 2nd in the tournament and as a result I got picked for the Berlin Allianz team. It was really an incredible feeling to be up there and with other players who are the best of the best at their respective games.

Since then i’ve started to get to know my new fellow Berlin Allianz representitives and they are all incredibly cool people. In fact, so are the people on the Stockholm team. While in the EU finals it was all competition, off-stage everyone just seems to be all-round awesome people. I’m so happy that I could be a part of this.

4 Comments so far

  1. trito September 26th, 2007 4:41 am

    It sounds like an awsome experience! I hope the rest of the CGS season will be great for you as well.

  2. Ms.X September 26th, 2007 5:35 am

    good luck and have a great time with it. Here comes LIefje!!!

  3. PuertoRican September 29th, 2007 3:08 am

    Liefje ftw!

  4. accornowamn March 22nd, 2008 3:18 am

    Snx for you job!
    It has very much helped me!

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