Not only a computer nerd - Trinelin
There has been a lot happening with our team lately, new members and the release of the Stoked blog and the UT3 beta, but I have unfortunately been very busy with other things and have not had much time for gaming at all. I thought I was going to play the UT3 beta every day by now but I think it might have to wait a little longer. As some of you might know I’m not only a nerd when it comes to computers, but also when it comes to science. I’m currently doing a couple of research projects in neuroscience here in San Diego and that is what has taken up my time lately. Last week there was a huge neuroscience conference in town, with 30000 neuroscientists from all over the world attending! As you can imagine, there was A LOT of nerds under the same roof and also, a lot of very interesting cutting edge research! For example, did you know that blueberry extracts improves memory and cognition in very old rats?
At this conference, I presented a big poster about some of my research and there was a lot of interest in it since drugs that work on the Alpha-7-Nicotinic-Receptor is a very hot field right now. It was a very nice week and now when that is over It’s only 2.5 weeks left until I go back to Sweden to celebrate Christmas with my family! I can’t wait to eat Swedish food again and hopefully I will be able to play some UT3 as well.